Wage portage for businesses with MITC

Better management of your external collaborators!

How wage portage works

Wage portage is a tripartite relationship between a client company (you), a consultant and a wage portage company (MITC).

This relationship allows you to use the services of a consultant without having to hire them as an intern and therefore without having to increase your salary burden. The consultant is a MITC employee, where they hold an official employment contract. As a result, you save on the costs and numerous administrative tasks associated with hiring an employee.

The advantages of wage portage

You represent a company SME large group ?

Wage portage offers many advantages to client companies of all sizes.

Reduced costs

Generate cost savings without reducing the quality of sourced profiles

Administrative ease

Outsource tedious tasks and focus on your business

Speed of service

Don’t waste time on tedious administrative procedures

Economic and
legal security

Remove the tax and social obligations associated with taking on consultants

More flexible
HR management

Strengthen your workforce temporarily without impacting your payroll


Benefit from the external point of view from an expert in the field

offre MITC pour entreprises

Transparency, flexibility, experience

MITC's service for businesses:

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