The advantages of wage portage
For the consultant

Save time and effort
Being employed by a wage portage company means being spared all the hassle of managing your own business , allowing you to concentrate on your professional tasks at hand.
Say goodbye to business creation costs, administrative constraints, accounting and invoicing.
Freedom of a self-employed worker
Being an employee of a wage portage company maintains the flexibility and freedom of a self-employed person.
It is up to the employee to find their clients, establish the terms of the project and negotiate their rates. It is only at the initial creation of the contract that the company takes over.
You also choosewhen and where you will work. It’s up to you to set up your work schedule according to your workload.

Security of an employee
As an employee, professionals enter into an employment contract with the wage portage company, meaning they naturally benefit from the security associated with this status:
- Pension contributions (1st and 2nd pillar)
- Unemployment benefits
- Occupational and non-occupational accident insurance
- Loss of earnings insurance
- Paid holidays
Get started without the risks
Being self-employed and starting your own business is notoriously risky. Being self-employed implies risks in terms of responsibility: this is not the case when you are an employee!
Since wage portage ensures employee protection, it covers employees for any damages caused in the course of their professional duties.
What’s more, with the staus of an ’employee’, if your entrepreneurial project doesn’t work out, you won’t have to liquidate your company and you will be entitled to unemployment benefits until you get back on your feet!